Learning to Hear His Voice

I had one of the coolest Holy Spirit moments last week. I love how as we grow in relationship He shows up in new and surprising ways! Like, He continues to reveal His nature, and character slowly as you walk in relationship with Him. It’s the best relationship ever because there’s always fun + unexpected experiences, and new deep layers are revealed! Ok, I’m going to share my newest encounter because it blew me away!

So I was sitting at my desk in the office editing portraits from a Restore Initiative project we put on called Faces of Hope. Through Faces of Hope we were able to give families professional portraits I’ve been sorting through images for hours and i’m an emotional mess! These portraits are of families, singles, children, or groups of friends. I found my heart so invested in the images of these people…wondering who they were, how they spent Christmas, what their home life was life, who their family was, if they have family. So many precious people! I found myself praying almost the whole timeĀ I was working on them and just totally invested. Well, as I was editing one such picture I suddenly felt a big pang and heard a still small voice talking to me about the home life of a particular child in front of me. At the same time I was entirely flooded with pain, sadness, and hurt. I absolutely lost it and just sat as tears streamed down my cheeks. I stared at the picture and didn’t know what to do with the info Holy Spirit just dropped in my lap. THROUGH AN IMAGE. It was one of the coolest, but most overwhelming, experiences I have ever had. It didn’t happen with any other images, or even with the other kids in the group portrait. Just that one very special face. Thank you for trusting us with words for your kids. Such a ridiculously fun + special honor.
