Who I Am
November 17, 2015
As I sit here in my office debating what to write, I thought…lets introduce the site to our readers! I sat here with a blank page and a blank brain. I had nothing…not one word could come out as I tried to think of how to describe why I felt so compelled to create this website. So I opened my blog from the past year and found this post I wrote way back in February. God urged me to start a blog while I was going through my separation, so at this point I had been writing for almost 6 months. I didn’t post that much publicly, but this was my mission post declaring the purpose, and it totally hits the nail right on the head for me both then, and still today!
My name is Han, I am happily learning who I am through the grace and goodness of my loving Father! A few things about me: I am 26 years old (now 27). I was born a creative, and work as a designer and photographer! I am blessed to work for myself, which is a gift I am ever increasingly thankful for! I am a daughter to Daniel & Renee, two wonderful God-fearing people. They raised me to love my Jesus, and taught me a whole lot about love, loyalty, and the true meaning of the word family. I am a sister to eight original siblings; five brothers, and three sisters. However, our family is ever increasing with in-laws and babies, which is an enormous blessing! Our total number is currently seventeen, and they are all my best friends. I am a wife to Tony, my one love, my very best friend, my greatest achievement! I am a momma to Thor, my most affectionate and very obnoxious pitbull! I am a follower of my sweet savior and lord, Jesus Christ! I am chasing after Him constantly and seeking His will in all aspects of my life. I am a lover of grace. A believer of second chances. I am fiercely loyal. I believe in fighting for whats right. Fighting for what you care for, and fighting for the one true King and furthering His kingdom. I believe in Hope. I believe in Faith. I believe in God’s promises. I believe in heaven invading earth!
I am currently facing an interesting intersection in my young life. My husband and I are separated. I love him madly and am fighting and believing for his return. Through this period of time God’s given me great insight on several different fronts. He’s been writing words of life onto my heart…whispering who i am and carefully cultivating new wants and deep desires into my very being. I am learning what it means to follow Christ in all areas. I am learning to wait on His direction, and to war on His behalf. I am learning what it means to be a child of the kingdom as I have been watching my Father weave the pattern of my life so delicately and intricately. He’s slowly revealing the path set before me and placing tools and the ability to walk out the new journey. Its exciting and exhilarating to know you’re part of a bigger plan and story that God’s writing! I’m learning to live with eyes wide open, and these new eyes desire to understand, draw closer, and see more revealed! Another way He’s been working with me is through revelation! God has revealed many things through spoken words, dreams given, and visions. Tony will return. This is a promise. I’m learning to stand on the promises of God and only look at the spiritual. The natural world can trip me up pretty badly, but God constantly refocuses my eyes upward…and it’s while looking up, that I see the love of my Father and the direction He is leading me! I’m learning to only care about His view of me, and to walk in a way that He will be pleased!
Welcome to my little space on the interweb! I’m so happy that you’re here checking out the blog! I pray that while reading through the posts, perusing the photographs, or watching the videos, that this is a place your heart finds safety. I pray you feel comfort, peace, and a sense of belonging. I created this blog with a sense of community in mind; community, not in the sense of bitter women gathering together to vent or find she-power or anything of the like. Instead, I see it in high contrast; community in the sense of finding strength in our Savior, and in each other, as we see and embrace a community where understanding, grace, love, and longing for something deeper are exalted, fostered, and have room to reign! A community where Jesus is exalted, transparency is acceptable, trust is exhibited, grace is lived out, and joy abounds! What a beautiful picture I have in my mind as I sit typing away with both, a smile on my face, and tears on my cheeks!
Ladies, I have found such community and strength among the brave women who have walked ahead of me on this scary path of unknowns. In the moments I feel alone, I find myself looking to the examples of those who have gone before, forging a path in uncharted territory. There is strength in numbers, strength in community! Let us glean from one another and be lifted. Strength comes from our father, strength comes from one another. Let this be a place where our stories provide one another with hope, peace, worth, and ability in the name and glory of our Father, Christ Jesus!
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