Writing Is Therapy

Writing has become such a therapeutic experience for me over the past few years that I want it to become a daily habit once again!

I’d like to challenge myself to write at least 15 minutes a day. I’m aiming for organic- whatever is on my heart at the moment- type of writing.

Writing helps me organize all the crazy criss-crossed thoughts that make up my brain.

Writing helps me realize and understand emotions below the surface. As soon as I’ve made my mind up to put thoughts to paper, it’s finally able to put to words the feelings that I don’t often understand or that, when thinking alone, I can’t seem to sort through with thoughts alone. When the pen goes to paper Holy Spirit has a way of sorting through everything and helping me understand myself/His direction. It’s amazing.

My mind often feels like the wild west of thoughts ( full of a whole lot of tumbling weeds) swirling through the landscape bumping into one another.
