Looking Back, But Running Forward
I created this blog now about 4.5 years ago while going through a separation from my husband. I scoured the internet for resources and stories about marriages that made it through a tough period. Unfortunately, these sites were few and far between…and I vowed to always stay open about my experience as I was walking through a divorce; believing it wouldn’t end by signing papers, but instead, by God restoring and redeeming this broken time-period of our life together. Here I am, 3 years later, writing from the comfort of my same home asĀ our one year old Roman snoozes away in our bedroom, and I have to say, He has been faithful to redeem, and still continues to give back things broken, taken, and heal hurts in very sweet surprising ways even 3 years later! My heart overflows with gratitude and joy! God is so very faithful and good to lead us through every situation that life throws our way. The key isYou just to listen, believe, follow, and know that His leading will never fail you. Never, ever.
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